%%% =============================================================== %%% BibTeX-file{ %%% author = "Campanzano", %%% version = "1.00", %%% date = "04 Jan 2023", %%% filename = "refs.bib", %%% address = "University", %%% telephone = "", %%% FAX = "", %%% checksum = "" %%% email = "", %%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %%% keywords = "geogebra", %%% supported = "yes", %%% docstring = "BibTeX bibliography for the article %%% \cite{author-year}: %%% TITLE" %%% } %%% =============================================================== %%% The URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of this file is %%% @misc{Ginno08a, title={Ptolemy and \uppercase{H}omer (\uppercase{S}impson)}, author={Ginnobili, S.}, howpublished = {\url{https://youtu.be/QVuU2YCwHjw}}, year = {2008}, note = {[Online; accessed 25-Oct-2022]} } @article{Ginno08b, title={Deferentes, Epiciclos y Adaptaciones}, author={Ginnobili, S. and Carman, C. C.}, journal={Associa\c{c}\~{a}o de Filosofia e Hist\'oria da Ci\^{e}ncia do Cone Sul (AFHIC)}, volume={5}, pages={399--408}, year={2008} } @article{Han60, title={The Mathematical Power of Epicyclical Astronomy}, author={Hanson, N. R.}, journal={Isis}, volume={51}, pages={150--158}, year={1965} } @misc{Sand19, title={But what is a Fourier series? From heat flow to circle drawings}, author={Sanderson, G.}, howpublished = {\url{https://youtu.be/r6sGWTCMz2k}}, year = {2019}, note = {[Online; accessed 25-Oct-2022]} } @misc{Shiff19, title={Coding Challenges \#130.1, \#130.2 and \#130.3: Drawing with Fourier Transform and Epicycles}, author={Shiffman, D.}, howpublished = {\url{https://youtu.be/MY4luNgGfms}}, year = {2019}, note = {[Online; accessed 25-Oct-2022]} } @misc{Swan19, title={An Interactive Introduction to Fourier Transforms}, author={Swanson, J.}, howpublished = {\url{http://www.jezzamon.com/fourier/index.html}}, year = {2019}, note = {[Online; accessed 25-Oct-2022]} } @article{Ponce22, title={Trigonometric interpolation using the Discrete Fourier Transform}, author={Ponce Campuzano, J. C.}, journal={North American Geo{G}ebra Journal.}, volume={10}, pages={1--13}, year={2022} } @article{Ponce21, title={On Coloring Different Objects of the Same Class}, author={Ponce Campuzano, J. C.}, journal={North American Geo{G}ebra Journal.}, volume={9}, pages={31--35}, year={2021} } @book{Stein03, author = {Stein, E. M. and Shakarchi, R}, year = {2003}, title = {Fourier Analysis: An Introduction}, publisher = {Princeton University Press Oxford} } @article{Ponce2018, title={Fourier series and Discrete Fourier transform}, author={Ponce Campuzano, J. C.}, year={2018}, journal={GeoGebra}, publisher={GeoGebra}, note ={\url {https://www.geogebra.org/m/t9uspumz#chapter/501202} [Online; accessed 25-Oct-2022]} } @article{Azad, title={An Interactive Guide To The Fourier Transform}, author={Azad, K.}, year={n.d.}, journal={Better Explained}, note ={{\url{https://tinyurl.com/36d722j2}} [Online; accessed 25-Oct-2022]} }